Pemberley Page 13
Dining together had made them grow even closer, and Simon and even Nick were now totally at ease using three sets of cutlery and two kinds of crystal glasses. They had learned to taste wine and to cut joints, and eat shellfish without making a mess. Whenever one of the others, generally Darcy, Frederick himself or Anne, thought of something a gentleman or lady should be able to eat or drink or talk about or do otherwise, they taught it to whoever didn't know.
Elizabeth sometimes admitted she'd never heard of some dish or obscure ritual, and Eric's education had a few holes in it. Georgiana usually remembered things from her early youth but had been too young to actually sit in on truly formal dinners when their parents had both still been alive.
Nick had the most to learn but he did so very quickly, and he knew things the
others could profit by, especially the art of self defence.
Of course it was more like dirty fighting in Nick's case, but they all had to admit it was more effective than the boxing or wrestling Darcy and Frederick had competed in at school. Eric was really too slight and sweet-tempered to put his heart in it, but Simon had been a London street kid at one time, and he knew how to fend off an attacker. Soon, he knew enough to escape a bad brawl or an outright attack and safely make a run for it. Eric would slowly try to learn the same, and so would Georgiana and Anne. They refused to stand by helplessly, and though Frederick thought they would be perfectly safe with him and Nick about, Eric and Simon would be, too, and yet they were learning. So the ladies were shown how to hit the right vulnerabilities, and eventually Darcy asked to be included in the lessons.
He did very well, and whilst Frederick and Nick were way ahead because of their superior natural strength, Darcy did have the right mindset and an impressive reach. In a few months he would give Frederick stiff competition, and Nick confessed himself impressed.
'You fight like a demon, Mr Darcy, I hope I will do as well leaning to ride and shoot as you do fighting dirty.'
Having him as a teacher gave Darcy respect for Nick, and the latter's superior technique and insight into his opponent's way of thinking made it virtually impossible to beat him in a match. Yet Darcy kept trying, and it was clear he might one day succeed in subduing Nick. Once or twice, maybe.
Of course Frederick still had an estate to run, even if from a distance, and his business with Mr Blackwood was blooming. Which enabled him to show Simon how to run a business, and if the others were as interested he was not surprised: Anne and Georgiana had their own fortunes, and Frederick certainly meant to see to it that Nick would have a small independence, too.
And Frederick had other arrangements to make: those which would enable him to marry Miss de Bourgh. The licence was in their possession, Mr Eliot was eager to perform the ceremony, and Anne and Simon would decide on the bride and groom's clothes.
'Do you want me to mention your wedding to Mr Goodfellow, Frederick?'
Eric had asked, and Anne had replied for him, as was fitting since they were going to be husband and wife soon.
'If you would after the ceremony? I'm a bit afraid some reporters might turn up after all. I do want them all to know we're married, but after the fact.
Maybe we can send him a little snippet to publish? As if he had been here in
Another one of Anne's magnificent ideas!
'Do you want a special dress, Anne?' Georgiana asked.
Anne, more beautiful than ever with a slight blush, admitted, 'I'd like to get married in one of those riding skirts.'
No averse reaction followed.
'Is that what you were talking about with the seamstress? I did wonder.'
'Yes, Elizabeth, I asked her to think of making a sort of merge between fashion and riding skirt. I cannot wait to see what she comes up with, she had some really good ideas. Do you think Mr Eliot would mind? My not wearing a dress, I mean?'
'It's our wedding, Anne, and you will wear what pleases you,' Frederick stated. What a strange idea, to get married in riding gear. But why not? It would look great on her, especially if she wore one of those intricate blouses with it and some jewellery. Simon would love it.
'If you get married in riding gear, can I do the same? Though I suppose Simon would kill me, if he could.'
'Let's ask him, and Nick. They'll be sitting in the first row, they have to agree.'
'As long as there are no reporters present to blame me for botching your toilette, I don't care if you walk into that church naked.'
Simon's opinion on Frederick wearing hunting gear to his wedding was very clear.
'Actually, I'd prefer that last, you know I love to see you without a stitch.'
That was sweet.
'But seriously, I appreciate your efforts to make less of the wedding. I'm not looking forward to it, you know.'
'I do know, Simon, and I feel horrible about it.'
'I really want to wear a riding skirt, not to make less of the wedding, but because I think they're beautiful.'
Anne was deadly serious, and Simon hugged her.
'I know, Anne, and you will look lovely in it. You look lovely in everything.
It's Frederick I'm worried for, I dislike hunting gear, it's so shapeless.'
'You'll find out its use when you start riding yourself, Simon. Never mind, my love, I need every advantage I can get standing beside the most beautiful woman in England, even in a tiny little church in front of the people I love best. You may choose whatever you want me to wear, my body is all yours
Now why did that make Simon look all soft again?
As Darcy had arranged for Elizabeth to have a beautiful new hunter waiting, so Frederick had used his time in London well, writing his own stable master to find him three fine horses. That hard-working man's search was easier since Frederick didn't expect the impossible, a tractable hunter, he merely wanted solid, dependable riding horses, preferably waiting for their new owners at Pemberley when they arrived.
That hadn't worked out, but while they were all busy perfecting the decoration of their rooms, Frederick's presents had arrived, and one beautiful morning five of the six would-be-explorers were waiting for their first riding lesson, ladies with Mrs Norman, gentlemen with her husband Peter.
'It's decidedly more comfortable for Peter to not have to explain certain basics to ladies,' Elizabeth had said, 'he felt very embarrassed to touch me to show me the right way to sit a horse, and to mention certain body parts I had to use to direct the horse. It will be much easier on him if he can concentrate on the men, and Mrs Norman on the ladies. Let me assure you, she doesn't hesitate to mention those parts at all.'
Which seemed reasonable, though Peter didn't know Simon's aberration. Still, Peter touching his thigh or his lower back wouldn't do anything to Simon but help him to learn to ride, and what Peter didn't know couldn't harm him. Or Simon. Thanks to Frederick's stable master, everyone had his own horse, Georgiana having inherited Elizabeth's faithful Daisy, Eric using one of Darcy's more placid road horses, and Anne, Nick and Simon on the mounts Frederick had provided.
Elizabeth and Darcy had joined the ladies in one of the new paddocks but Frederick couldn't help himself, he had to see how Simon was enjoying his first time on a horse. But when he had helped him check his saddle whilst Peter showed first Eric, then Nick, how to do exactly that, Simon proved once again to be the more sensible one in their relationship.
Frederick had demonstrated how the bridle should fit, and bending down to point out which cinches to always check before mounting he was stunned to find himself the recipient of a passionate kiss, safely hidden behind the large chestnut mare.
'That was because I love you more than anything. Now leave, Frederick, go watch your fiancée, send Darcy over to help here if you feel Peter needs assistance. I love it when you show your feelings for me, but not here, it's
Wiping the bemused expression off his face, again, Simon was so right!, Frederick straightened and ad
mitted, 'You are right Simon, Anne may need my support more than you and Nick do. I'll come and look in on you later.'
But before he turned towards the other paddock he waited to see Simon mount his very own horse, and ride the first of many circles under the expert guidance of Peter the stable boy.
When he arrived at the other paddock, Anne was already mounted and riding her own circles at a steady walk. Mrs Norman indeed walked beside her, correcting her seat and the position of her hands, where necessary by touching Anne in places that would have been very awkward for a man, let alone a lowly servant, to even think of. Anne did what the expert horsewoman advised, and Frederick could see the improvement in Anne's seat, but also in the way the horse held itself. Maybe he should have that lady look at his own riding skills as well, Elizabeth and Darcy were outstanding riders and they had learned much from Mrs Norman and her husband.
Elizabeth was walking along with Georgiana, who had the magnificent posture in the saddle that one would expect from a pianist, but who clearly had trouble adjusting to being at the mercy of the horse. That was just her feeling, for Daisy was truly goodness itself, she would never do anything rash or dangerous. But with Elizabeth's help, Georgiana slowly relaxed, and as Anne rode circles and eights with visibly improving confidence and skill, Mrs Norman did the same for Georgiana as she had done for Anne.
'Aren't you watching the others, Frederick?' Elizabeth asked with innuendo, having joined her husband just outside the riding paddock.
'I was asked to leave, not by the instructor but by one of the pupils. He was afraid I'd wear him out by staring at him. He was right, I should be with my fiancée anyway. She is doing really well, maybe one of you can go to the other paddock to help out there? I feel like joining one of these groups, I think there is a lot for me to learn here.'
Darcy nodded his assent, like Frederick and any other gentlemanś son he had most likely been put on a horseś back almost as soon as he could walk.
'You are so right, Manners, I never knew how to really ride until Peter taught me to think like a horse. I'll go help Peter, I've had so many lessons I think I know what to do. You stay here and support Georgiana, Elizabeth. I think she is used to being in control, she seems a little nervous sitting on such a large beast, like you were before you discovered riding astride. Though you got
over your fears soon enough.'
'And so will she. Look, she's sitting much more relaxed already now Sarah has explained some things. You go and help out, three novices is a bit much for one man to handle. And Frederick, I suppose you can join my lessons, I agree there is always something more one can learn, but you're not a novice.'
Darcy left for the other paddock, and Elizabeth supported whichever of the ladies was not attended to by Mrs Norman. Frederick sat on the fence and watched at his leisure, surprised how quickly he had gotten used to seeing all the ladies in his immediate circle wearing riding skirts. They did look nice, the seamstress had made some changes to Mrs Norman's basic model to make them more flowing, though less sturdy, which didn't matter for Anne and Georgiana since they could afford to have new ones made whenever these wore out. According to Anne, the good woman had looked slightly scandalized when Anne had asked her for another pair to be wed in, but she had delivered the most beautiful pair so far, of silvered green silk, unsuitable to ride in but almost as elegant and as flowing as Miss Filliger's dresses, to be worn with a blouse that would turn even the most spoiled London girls green with envy if they were to ever see it, made of the lightest, clingiest muslin, totally unsuitable to do anything useful in, of course, but perfect for a wedding.
Dora's eyes had sparkled when Anne tried it on, she was doing reasonably well coping with her disappointment over Nick, but Frederick suspected she was secretly relishing his presence whenever Nick was helping her to improve her reading and writing. They had written a letter to someone called Frank, a servant at Rosings who according to Nick admired Dora, and Dora was anxiously awaiting his reply. Frederick hoped it would be positive, there was no better cure for love sickness than a new love.
And tomorrow, Dora would have at least two hours with her beloved mistress, to dress her and make up her hair and face for the wedding that afternoon. It would be a very intimate affair, and way too quiet for Frederick's reputation, but that meant Simon and Nick could be in the front row instead of somewhere else entirely.
Mrs Norman was now helping both ladies to guide their horses into a trot, and even Georgiana managed admirably. It seemed as if she had conquered her fear, or maybe she had discovered that Daisy actually minded her, and she followed Anne and her grey mare at about a horse's length, trotting circles and changing directions at Mrs Norman's instructions.
Now Frederick could no longer help himself, he had to see how the men were doing, and he excused himself to Elizabeth, who decided to join him instead.
So they walked off together towards the other paddock, where the men, of course, were already cantering. They all seemed equally adept, if anyone had had the same troubles as Georgiana it didn't show now. To avoid betraying his admiration for Simon, Frederick decided to just not look at him too often, he just couldn't help it, his beloved was so handsome and so good at everything he did, who could have remained untouched by the sight of someone so perfect?
Soon enough, Peter let the three men slow their horses to walk them dry, after which they all got together to talk about the experience, while Peter, Bob, Bruce and Hugo unsaddled the horses and took them to their paddocks.
After an exhilarating first ride, Anne just knew this would become her favourite form of exercise. It had been such an incredible surprise from Frederick to have her own horse from the start! Of course she had been planning to buy herself her own horse if she liked riding as much as she remembered from her holidays with her cousins, but she had expected to share Daisy with Georgiana until she knew whether she really liked riding, and if she did until a suitable horse could be found. Now, she and Georgiana could have their lessons together, and in a few days they could all go out onto Darcy's grounds in a large group of riders, everyone on their own horse.
As the stable staff took over the reins of her horse, Anne made certain to find Frederick first and thank him for his magnificent gift. She embraced him with true feeling and said, 'Thank you so much, Frederick! She is a wonderful animal, so beautiful and so gentle! I want to call her Peppermint, I think it's a fabulous idea to name a horse for sweets. We'll call her Pepper for short.'
Frederick hugged her back with obvious pleasure, and humour.
'Aren't you afraid she'll live up to her short name, then?'
'I think I can handle a little spice in a mount, what do you think? You were watching me ride for the first time in years.'
'I think you have a natural talent, Anne. Weren't you afraid at all?'
'I loved it. Maybe my days as a tomboy are coming back to me, I cannot wait to go faster.'
'And I cannot wait to go out together. I'm glad you are pleased with Pepper.
Can I see you for a moment in private Anne? After we've talked of horses a little more?'
'Sure. Thank you again, my dear.'
Whatever could Frederick want to talk about, so shortly before their wedding? Was he having doubts? Had Simon objected after all?
'You weren't afraid at all, were you, Anne?'
Darcy's calm voice broke her thoughts, and since they weren't very useful anyway his distraction was very welcome.
'No, I wasn't. Can you believe that? I wanted to go faster, but I do want to learn correctly. I remembered riding your pony bareback, it was such a thrill.
Maybe I'll try that on Peppermint, too. But not yet.'
'You named your new horse Peppermint? That's sweet, more candy in our stables. It suits her, very much so. I'm starting to get used to this practice of naming horses, I never did that but it does make the whole experience more personal. I used to think of riding as a way to get from A to B, at least I thought I did, but in fact I never felt
it that way. It was always more, I just didn't acknowledge that to myself. I'm looking forward to riding together, Anne, visiting all the places of our childhood. And I want you to know that I will witness your wedding tomorrow with pride and pleasure. I have no reservations left, not about Frederick and not about Nick. You are happier now than I've ever seen you, and those men will take such good care of you.
Simon, too. He and Nick will both be fine riders as well, despite having been raised in the city.'
'They did well? I'm glad to hear that, though I knew Nick couldn't be anything else than a natural, he is so athletic and fearless.'
'He certainly is. And he would give his life for you, gladly. And he isn't at all servile, is he?'
'Oh, he was, towards you. And other men of power. That was how he was supposed to act or lose his position, and it must have stuck to him somehow.
But you are right, deep inside Nick is actually rather bossy, much like Frederick. And you. But like you two he is reasonable as well, I treat him like an equal because birth is just a matter of chance, he treats me like an equal because being a man or a woman is also accidental.'
'Anne, I'm so happy for you. Sometimes I still remember the old you, and then to see you like this, riding a strong animal you've never met before without showing even a twinge of fear. I admire you, I truly do.'
'And I am supremely happy to be here, Darcy. I've never in my life experienced such friendship and so much love.'
Darcy now turned to Nick, who was coming towards Anne but sadly not to
embrace her or kiss her.
'Fowler, you sat that horse like a gentleman born,' Darcy observed, Anne didn't know how truthful that was but Darcy generally spoke his heart. At least Nick was relieved to be spoken to, it meant he could talk to Anne in the presence of the possibly alert Pemberley stable hands.
'Thank you very much, sir, I wasn't afraid at all. I understand now what all the fuss is about, it gives a great buzz to sit on a creature that strong and have him do as you ask. And the speed! I loved it. I just cannot believe Mr Manners got me a horse of my own. And such a handsome one, he said it was truly my very own, not on loan or just to use, it's mine.'